Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Energy use and air conditioning

We arrived during the Qatari summer. With temperatures up to 50 degrees celcius (122° Farenheit), you are grateful that pretty much everything is air conditioned. However, with all the talk about global warming, the needing to conserve energy etc.. I often feel guilty about leaving the air con on 24/7 but it get so hot so quickly you normally do.

So when we went away on holiday for four weeks, I figured there was no point in keeping all the air con units on (we have six) so I turned of a couple of them and turned the temperature up on the rest. I figured leaving all the internal doors open would allow enough airflow moving around.

Much to my chagrin I found out why people in this part of the world keep their air con on all the time - even when they are away on holiday!

Mould! Two of the rooms where I turned the air con off had lots of things covered in the stuff. From shoes, to empty back packs, luggage, children's car seats, and lots and lots of clothes. What a mess. So the energy saver in me has had to concede that saving on air conditioning just isn't the way to go. (I still turn off the lights when I leave a room though!) :-)

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