Monday, October 29, 2007

Starting over

After 9 years of living in London, our family (me, husband, two kids) moved from the centre of a very busy city, with lots of trees, parks and public transport.... to Doha.

I am not qualified to comment on all the details of what is truly going on in Doha as my life here is primarily restricted to living in what I call an expat bubble. But I do want to share with you my observations on life here.

Previously I have lived and worked in the UK, US and Australia and have travelled to a great many countries. When asked where I consider home, I always reply that it is where I am living at the moment as in my heart I have many places to call home. I do not know where I will eventually end up "settling down". For the moment, my family and I are enjoying our continuing adventure and I hope to share a bit of it with you.

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